Thai Fiancé Visa

Love Is In The Air…


Thai Fiancé Visas

A fiance visa, also known as a Non-Immigrant O visa, is a long-term visa that allows foreign nationals who are engaged to Thai citizens to live in Thailand for an extended period of time. The visa is initially issued for 90 days and can be extended for up to one year.

To obtain a fiance visa in Thailand, applicants must meet certain requirements, including providing proof of their relationship with a Thai citizen, proof of financial means, and a clean criminal record. Applicants may also be required to provide a medical certificate showing they are fit to travel and reside in Thailand.

The application process for a fiance visa in Thailand can be complex and time-consuming, which is where TVS Visa Services can help. TVS Visa Services can assist with the entire application process, including compiling the necessary documents, submitting the application to the Thai embassy or consulate, and liaising with the relevant authorities to ensure a smooth and efficient application process. Additionally, TVS Visa Services can provide expert guidance and advice on the various requirements and procedures involved in obtaining a fiance visa in Thailand.

Using TVS Visa Services for a fiance visa application in Thailand can make the process much easier, especially for those who are not familiar with the Thai immigration system or who do not speak the local language. Their expertise can help ensure that all requirements are met and that the application process runs smoothly, potentially saving applicants time and stress.

In conclusion, obtaining a fiance visa in Thailand can be a complex process, but using TVS Visa Services can help make the process easier by providing expert guidance and support throughout the application process. They can help ensure that all requirements are met and that the process is completed efficiently and effectively, potentially saving applicants time and stress.

Hi, I’m Tammy

I have been helping people with their Visas and travel for a long time and set up my own business around 14 years ago, you can pop in and see me, get in touch for a chat or arrange an appointment to pop in to our Pattaya shop/office by clicking the link below. I look forward to meeting you and helping you soon.