Visa Extensions

How can we help?


Visa Extensions 

Obtaining a visa extension in Thailand can be a complicated process, but there are many services available to help make it easier. One such service is TVS Visa Services in Pattaya.

First, it’s important to understand that the specific requirements and procedures for obtaining a visa extension in Thailand can vary depending on the type of visa you hold and your individual circumstances. For example, the requirements for a tourist visa extension may be different from those for a work visa extension. It’s always a good idea to research the specific requirements for your situation before proceeding.

That being said, TVS Visa Services can assist with a wide range of visa extensions in Thailand. They can help you with extensions for tourist visas, non-immigrant visas, retirement visas, and more. They can also assist with visa runs, which involve leaving the country briefly and then returning in order to extend your visa.

When working with TVS Visa Services, you can expect professional and efficient service. Their staff are knowledgeable about the visa extension process and can guide you through each step, from gathering the necessary documents to submitting your application. They can also provide advice on the best approach for your situation, such as whether to apply for an extension in person or by mail.

To use TVS Visa Services in Pattaya, simply contact them to discuss your needs and schedule an appointment. They will guide you through the process and provide a clear understanding of the costs and timeline involved. In general, the process of obtaining a visa extension can take several weeks, so it’s important to plan accordingly.

Overall, using a service like TVS Visa Services in Pattaya can help simplify the visa extension process in Thailand and provide peace of mind that your application is being handled by experienced professionals.

Hi, I’m Tammy

I have been helping people with their Visas and travel for a long time and set up my own business around 14 years ago, you can pop in and see me, get in touch for a chat or arrange an appointment to pop in to our Pattaya shop/office by clicking the link below. I look forward to meeting you and helping you soon.